
ALASALA will be recognized as a company which responsibly manages risks to the health and safety of its employees, its clients, contractors and the communities in which it operates.


The ALASALA Board of Directors has ultimate responsibility for Health and safety performance and achievement of health and safety excellence. ALASALA and its business units are therefore committed to:
• conducting its business in a safe manner.
• identifying and reducing risks to health and to safety.
• maintaining a strong health and safety leadership culture where safe behaviors are encouraged and recognized.
• promoting a culture in which all employees share this commitment and take personal responsibility for health and safety.
• creating an environment where workers are empowered to intervene if they believe that a work activity is unsafe.
• continual improvement of our health and safety performance and management systems.
• complying with all applicable health and safety laws and regulations, and applying ALASALA Group standards where the legislation Is inadequate or non-existent.
• transparency in the reporting of the Company’s health and safety performance and sharing of knowledge.


To meet this commitment at Group level ALASALA will:
• implement a systematic approach to health safety management and assurance.
• publish regular performance reports and openly discuss our health and safety performance internal and external stakeholders.
• periodically review the suitability and effectiveness of this policy, our management systems, targets and objectives.
Each ALASALA business unit will:
• identify and assess the risks to health and as a result of business activities.
• provide suitable resources for health and safety.
• develop and maintain health and safety management systems that comply with this Policy and Group Health and Safety Standards.
• select and manage contractors to ensure alignment with this policy and our values.
• ensure that our health and safety goals and standards are understood at all levels within business unit.
• measure, appraise arid report on heath and safety performance.
• provide appropriate training for all staff to enable them to carry out their work in a safe manner.
• ensure appropriate emergency response procedures are in place and regularly tested minimize the impact of any incident or emergency situation.
• hold appropriately empowered line management accountable for health and safety performance.
• include health and safety competences and performance in appraisals.
• engage with clients, contractors and suppliers Continuously improve standards of health and safety.

Responsibility and implementation:

Prevention of harm to people s a line responsibility that starts with the Group Chief Executive and flows down through the line management structure to front line employees performing work Every leader at ALASALA is responsible for proactively leading the management of risks to people with their teams. Every ALASALA employee is responsible for making themselves aware of the health and safety risks in their work area and to proactively pLay their part in reducing these risks. All employees are empowered to speak up if they have any health or safety.