Quality Assurance and Control


Quality is what separates the good from the bad. Both in our lives and in our work, quality is the defining factor in how we evaluate and are evaluated by others. In short, it determines how we feel about our efforts at the end of each day.
The strength of every member of our team is always assessed for any position that they hold within the organization.

Within the quality assurance plan, we focus on the key aspects that that satisfies the client’s needs without compromising the standards of operations.
Our management always works on ensuring that the going concerns in terms of the future effects of the project, the probable occurrences are put in play to ensure that the client is perfectly understanding the nature of the design principles and the serviceability measures for the project at large. We normally achieve this by doing cross-checks on a weekly or monthly basis that ensures that the project’s life is on track. Suppliers and subcontractors play an important role in the project life, we ensure that proper surveillance on the quality of the stock received for the verification of the engineering threshold. This means that we do anything that we can to ensure that our client’s specifications are met without compromise.


Operations that involve the verification of the right quality, quantity and the value for the desired results is normally performed through the inspections and tests. We have devised many techniques that enable us to ascertain the desired results for any given project, All kinds of tests done, By submitting a comprehensive report on it.

Most quality control plan specifications require us to submit procedures for conducting task inspections.
We find it a good practice to include these procedures even if the client doesn’t specifically ask for them.

Our inspection procedure includes the following:


In the construction operations, unexpected results might be experienced. In such a situation, we devise mechanisms for handling them.

Typical non-conformance procedures include: